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Yesterday was the day of love for most of us in North American, Valentines Day, 2005. My present vocation as a pastor allows me some unique opportunities and yesterday was one of the most unique I have ever had.
A few months ago I was presented with the opportunity of performing the wedding of one of my friends from college who now participates on the worship team at the church I pastor. Fen and Sherry were both wonderful people who I have had the joy of getting to know over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see the both of them obtain a second chance at love and family. During their wedding, they had a couple participating as one of the groomsmen and maids of honor, Denny and Liz. I didn’t know it at the time but Denny and Liz have been in love for the last 5 years and finally decided to make things official with a wedding. Their wedding was going to be unique though, and to participate in it would be a blast.
Denny and Liz are two individuals that love the movies. One of the theater chains they frequent on a regular basis is The 13th Street Warren here in Wichita. Bill Warren is a private individual who has established and started various theaters in Wichita, all upper class theaters with all of the amenities. This particular theater has a bar and a restaurant upstairs that has love seats in the balcony along with a table to enjoy your full service menu items. Along the upstairs lobby are old movie posters featuring old horror movies such as The Wolf Man, Dracula and the like. It was here in the theater, the place that Denny and Liz love so much that I would have the honor of “officially” uniting these two in marriage, right below where the Wolf Man Poster would hang. Seeing these two share in their love helped me have a frame of focus that was quite unique as I watched the movie Hitch.

There are numerous characters in the movie but one of the most wonderful supporting roles in a long time goes to Kevin James who plays the part of Albert, one of Hitch’s clients. Will Smith and Kevin James are as close to perfect as two can get in a movie when on screen together. The character Albert is a character that most individuals can relate to, well at least I could relate to the character. He is a bumbling buffoon at times but knows what real love is when he sees it. He has what appears to be on the surface an untouchable object of love but with the help of Hitch, he soon finds out that he has possibilities. The realization of those possibilities and the journey there are among the funniest scenes on screen in quite some time.
There are other subplots and story twists within Hitch. Hitch’s own love interest played by beautiful actress Eva Mendes is also a complicated character who adds to the screen magic. As audience members, we find ourselves rooting for the union of these two. Through out the script though, both characters have a lot about themselves that they need to understand and learn, fortunately, the journey there is one that we enjoy and never get bored with.

The process and the journey can be quite enjoyable, there can also be bumps along the journey. Hitch shows all of that in an enjoyable way. It is a movie I would recommend taking your loved one to and make sure you enjoy the ride along the journey of memories that can come about. Think about love, and all of the things that come with it, the arguments even but then the time you made up. I believe you will enjoy the ride just as much as I did. Will the experience be the same for you? Well? Probably not, that is unless you are taking part in a wedding right before the movie in the movie theater.
On a scale of 1 – 10, Not since Serendipity and Sleepless in Seattle have I seen a better love story, so minus these two from 10 a very enjoyable 8
—Trailers, Photos
—About this Film
—Spiritual Connections
Something that I am surprised no one has touched on is the purity of this romantic comedy.
I realize many people enjoyed films like Serendipity, but for myself, I have grown sick of seeing films whose basic formula involves one or more of the characters being in a romantic and loving relationship, only to be aborted at the end due to having found their "true love". Often this is excused by making one of the counterparts to the marriage horribly flawed (as in the case of Titanic), but often enough there is no particularly unbearable flaw, and someone ends up getting left in the wings, so to speak.
Likewise, many romantic comedies seem centered around sexual gaffs and foibles, someone trying to get into someone else's bed, and finding out some deeper value to their object of desire. Alternatively, the hero of the tale pursues someone who is "untouchable" by social convention out of some bet, dare, or other forced event, and then finds that the ugly guy/gal in the glasses just needed a trip to the shopping mall to let their inner beauty come out.
Hitch, on the other hand, plays counter to all of that. Hitch, himself, is a man who believes in true love for the value of love itself, that sometimes people just need to get out of their own way to let it in.
And herein, it would seem, is a truly interesting spiritual lesson that a Christian can draw on: that God, like everyone else, just wants a chance to be noticed and appreciated, and that Christ, like Hitch, is just trying to help people get out of their own way to see what God and each other can be.
Hitch, unlike any other romantic comedy, preaches truth and honor within love. Without judgement or malice, it (and the title character) gives the basics to being loved and loving in an honest and non-judgemental way, in a spiritually and emotionally powerful place that does not require deceit or duplicitousness, only patience, vulnerability, and honesty.
3:34 PM
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