The Da Vinci Code

Most everyone reading this likely knows the story of The Da Vinci Code. Based in large on the book by the same title written by Dan Brown the movie directed by Ron Howard and staring Tom Hanks centers around a murder that takes place in French Louvre. Harvard symbologist, Robert Langdon, played by Hanks, is called in to investigate a murder. While investigating the murder, alongside French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, played by Audrey Tautou, Langdon and Neveu become involved more than they could have imagined. What follows is a series of events that details to some limited degree, Christianity, and at its core, beliefs regarding the person of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The belief presented in the movie is that they later married, had children, and that the Catholic Church in particular has worked at hiding the truth for almost two thousand years.
Most everyone knows about the debate and the attack on the movie by many in Christian circles. Many know the story because they have either seen the movie or read the book. It is for that reason I won’t delve much into the story. What I will give are my opinions about the movie technically and from a pure story perspective, and then some editorial comments.

Regarding the acting; I wasn’t impressed with any of the cast with the exception of Ian McKellen who plays the part of Sir Leigh Teabing and Paul Bettany who plays the part of Silas. I know that one of the issues many have with the movie is the character of Silas, but truth is, this character was one of the only characters in the movie that interested me. Bettany played the part so well, that frankly without his character the movie would have been a total waste of time for me. Fortunately his character kept me in the story well enough to not get too bored.
The primary characters had something to be desired in my opinion. I am a fan of Hanks, but I must say that this is one of my least favorite characters he has ever played. The character of Langdon must have taken little effort from Hanks as there is little that is required. I would hope in the book the character has more detail and interest than this, otherwise I would have no interest in ever reading it. As much as it pains me, the same can be said for virtually every other character in the movie; I wasn’t drawn to them and was not impressed with any “outstanding” performances with the exception of the two mentioned above.
Now for some of my editorial comment; I can’t believe many within Christendom has made this movie out to be what it is. It is purely a work of fiction, and one, that truth be told, would not have done half of the numbers at the box office it did without the Christian protests. Now I don’t have firm evidence of that, but I can’t help but believe many are seeing it because of the hoopla. I am sure that deep down inside, the film makers are grateful for all of the free publicity the Christian community gave this film.

I’ll close with that and let the debate begin. I didn’t go into this movie expecting my faith to be challenged, and sure enough, it wasn’t. I went in to see what I thought was a popular work of fiction, in fact driven in part by the protests, and what I found instead was what I consider to be a lackluster movie and effort by those involved. Was it horrible? No but it wasn’t great either. I would have actually rather passed on this one or at the very least waited until the release of the DVD but I didn’t exercise that option. My problem, but it doesn’t have to be yours.
On a scale of 1-10, a slightly lower than okay rating of a 4
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