Snakes on A Plane

One of the fun things about this movie is that Berenson decided to make that movie, and in the process found film greats like Samuel Jackson and Juliana Margulies to participate along with the direction of David R. Ellis who has worked on such varied films as, Harriett the Spy, The Jungle Book, The Man Without a Face and other various types of film. Sure most of his work in the past has been in the area as a stunt coordinator but in some ways that assists in his concept of what this movie is all about, fun.
I have to admit, this may be the funniest, laugh out loud, exciting thrill ride of the summer. Ellis understands action and provides it from the opening scenes until the closing credits. As much as I may get ribbed for this, I don’t know when the last time was that I had more fun at a movie. The surprising thing is that the majority of patrons, most of them far older than I at the matinee, which was a huge surprise, were having the same type of fun. What was even more surprising is that as thrilling and fun as the movie is, none of those much older than I didn’t have a heart attack. The movie was so fun, that after awhile I was able to enjoy and not be distracted by the person with turrets sitting in front of me. I am not kidding on this, it was one of the strangest movie experiences ever, but I have to admit that the individual’s partner made a great choice to take his friend to. After awhile, his outbursts just added to the humor of the movie. It was almost like a live action version of Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. What made it so fun was that we were all reminded of the fact that we could have fun at the movies, especially a movie like Snakes on A Plane.

I have seen a couple of surprises this summer, for many kids, at least in my community, school started this week. This will be a great one for all ages that enjoy action and thrills to see, especially the kiddos looking at ways to finish up the summer. From the students who can deal with some of the language and sexual scenes prevalent in virtually all B-Movies, to the language and gore, to the adults who may have some of the same issues, this is a rollicking fun time. We won’t have to worry too much about how people react to all of the negative things that some will point out. I can’t imagine too many people trying to get crazy about doing crazy things with snakes. On a side note, even though I have 4 snakes for pets in my downstairs family room, after seeing this movie, it may be awhile before I get them out and hold them.
On a scale of 1-10 for the great time, enjoyable moments, and nearly perfect good time, I’ll give the number that most looks like a coiled up snake, a freaky good 8
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