Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa is a wonderful film, and a wonderful ending to a character that is loosely based off of Stallone's own life. The fact that the last of the Rocky series is written and directed by Stallone is not lost on this one reviewer. What will be the surprise of many was not so much a surprise to me, Stallone brings us back to the character of Rocky; the one we loved in the original, and the one that has lived through various circumstances that Stallone himself has gone through. In essence, we see boxing as a metaphor for not only the life of Sylvester Stallone; we see boxing as a metaphor of all of us approaching the later stages of life. Jesus stated he never taught anything without first telling stories, Sylvester Stallone has told a story that is as rooted in faith, and moral integrity as anything coming out of Hollywood in years.

From that first image in Rocky, to the continuing story of seeing him offering advice to a young Marie, telling her to not hang around certain kids, or that she will end up being a whore and not amounting to much, we see Rocky develop a tender love and compassion for those he comes into contact with. Rocky develops a love and compassion that in some ways leads to his demise at times with devastating consequences. Despite the difficulties life throws his way we see Rocky over and over come back to his senses and rekindle the love and dedication to carry and improve his situation. The love, dedication, and continual effort of the Rocky Balboa character carries on, and it is where we end up in the last film of the series, Rocky Balboa. While Rocky is questioning his own heart and his own convictions, he has reminders of the influence he has had on others.

After a series of events Rocky Balboa finds himself wanting to get back into the ring. There is a beast in his stomach, or as he refers to, "in the basement," that he has yet to let out over the years. In the process of wanting to throw a few punches around, he ends up getting an invitation to fight in an exhibition match against Mason "The Line" Dixon, played quite well by real life fighter Antonio Tarver. Dixon is a unique individual because he is an undefeated champion who has lost the respect of fans. He has lost respect because the heavyweight field is not strong and many assume he has no appreciation of what he has obtained in the sport. After a computer fight between Dixon and Balboa, many begin to question even more how good Dixon is.

I could go on with the story line, but this is the place to comment on my own appreciation of the movies willingness to address a character in a strong spiritual way. Many will see this movie and not notice the spiritual attributes of Balboa, which is a shame. This is a character that from the very beginning of the series has seen value in his faith, church, family, prayer, and in scripture. Even here, we see Rocky refusing to go to battle without first hearing a passage of scripture. We see Rocky in prayer, we see him like most any other Joe on the street, except he takes his faith seriously and he chooses to live it out among those he comes into contact with, even his enemies. This love not only carries out in the way he treats other people, it is evident because we see the way he treats the animals he comes into contact with.
Is Rocky Balboa as good as Rocky? The answer to me here is obviously no. That being said, it may be the best Rocky since the original. Stallone does a great job of acting, and those who are critical of his acting methods will likely be seeing the movie because so many of their friends who have seen the movie, will come back and question their integrity. Truth is, this is the best role Stallone has played in a very long time. He has surrounded himself with a wonderful cast, provided wonderful direction, and written a beautiful script. This movie is not about boxing, it is a reminder to all of us to live life to the fullest, to get up when we are knocked down, and to do so with an attitude that we don’t care what others think. In many ways, just as boxing is a metaphor for life, this movie is a metaphor for the life many have led while growing up watching the Rocky series. It is a character we can love and appreciate; it is one that has drawn fans from all generations.

The Bible tells the Christian to love their neighbor as they love themselves. I have often had difficulty with that concept, what it means to love your self, how that relates to the way we love others. In many ways, the life struggle of Rocky Balboa illustrates that message, it illustrates it in such a way that I now have a better understanding of what that concept means. Rocky Balboa, while not a Christ figure, is certainly a role model, one that spoke to me some 30 years ago, and one that speaks to me now in my maturing adulthood. Thanks Sly, thanks for the character, and I can honestly say, Rocky will live on for as long as there is film, and people with a heart to go after their own dreams.
On a scale of 1 - 10, I am really surprised but for the 8 counts Rocky has taken over the years, only to get back up, an enthusiastic, enjoyable 8
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