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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October Review Review Van Helsing

Click Here to Purchase Van Helsing

Van Helsing is one of those movies I fondly look back on as being just about everything I thought it was going to be. While it got panned by many critics, at least this one enjoyed the movie and had a great time at the theater. It is one of those movies I purchased on the first day of release even though I had already seen the movie in the theaters.

Looking back over the years, I enjoyed the movie and the slow motion options I have. Little things I wanted to verify like nail marks on the wrists of Frankenstein as he offers himself up for the salvation of those he loves. I don't recall any film critics noticing this during the initial run of the movie, but sure enough, those nail prints where there.

Since the movie Hugh Jackman has become an even bigger star. While some hated the movie, it seems as if the fans have stayed with it, still talking about how much they appreciated the story and the action. I don't think you will get bored from watching this one, even some years later. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and find the review useful. While there are often times spiritual overtones that are a stretch, that wasn't the case in Van Helsing. So, get the DVD, get a bag of microwave popcorn, open up a bottle of Coke and enjoy the movie. Of course you may want to leave the lights on if you are afraid of things that go bump in the night.

The last two months have been heavenly for fans of old monster movies. First is the release of several of the old original movies Dracula, The Werewolf, and Frankenstein movies. Next up, Stephen Sommers, writer and director of The Scorpion King, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns and other films does tribute to the old style monsters but with a new and refreshing twist. Sommers pays tribute to the old films by using black and white footage at times and at others almost directly taking line for line from some of the old classics. Also a pleasant surprise is that while the film is violent at times, there is an obvious intent to not have a lot of blood, and or nudity. This is an apparent obvious attempt to pay tribute to the old original classics.

Included in the tale is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, The Werewolf, and of course every blood suckers favorite, Dracula himself along with his three brides who happen to lead the monster ensemble. What Somers does though is have as his primary focus the hero himself, Van Helsing. Van Helsing is a hero who's faith is important and not since Wes Craven's Dracula 2000 has a movie with monsters had so many spiritual references and twists. As a result, Van Helsing could very well be the Roller Coaster Ride of the summer for movie patrons looking for a good, exciting thrill ride.

For many, the old monsters from movies and literature seem to go one of several routes. For many on the religious bandwagon, they are evil and should be shunned at all costs, after all, the representation of evil is paramount in the telling of the stories. At least that is the perspective of some. For others who don't have a belief in God they are nothing more than a fun tale with a few laughs thrown in. While that may be the view, of some, those seem to loose sight of what the original authors intended in the telling of their works.

Yet for others, the monster stories are a classic telling of good versus evil with a few social commentaries thrown in. For example, The Werewolf is a character who portrays the possibility of all people turning from good to evil. In many ways, the character represents the potential of evil in every person, even those often favored by God. The Frankenstein character on the other hand shows that despite an outward appearance that there is beauty in every person. He does not pretend that evil does not exist, quite the contrary, often times we see in the Frankenstein stories that the real evil that exists, exists within the hearts of humans who look on the outward appearance as opposed to the inner beauty. Then there is Dracula! Dracula represents the classic battle between good and evil. There is a presumption that there is a God with power and that power comes from the cross. We are also aware that there is evil and that evil has as its focus the importance of taking life-giving blood from the innocent and sending them to an eternity of hell and doom. Dracula is often viewed as a son of Satan and that is the perspective taken in Van Helsing. I am sure there are other illustrations from a social perspective that others can take. It is the later that I choose to watch monster movies and after viewing Van Helsing I can't help but think that is the theme intended by the movies writer and director, Stephen Sommers.

Van Helsing stars Hugh Jackman in the title role of Van Helsing. He is a creature, not quite human that has lived for as long as he can remember, even beyond what he can remember with the intent purpose of destroying evil. He is an agent of the church and we learn through out the movie that at one time he sat on and was with God and served on God's left hand. While many within the cultures see him as evil, he can tell the difference between evil and good and refuses to kill that which is not evil. We also learn through the story line from Sommers that his first name is Gabriel. This is a little twist that can be looked over by many in the audience but should be noted that one of God's top angels in the Bible is an angel called Gabriel.

After disposing of a monster in Paris, Van Helsing is called upon by the church to travel to Transylvania to take care of Dracula who has been terrorizing the city along with one of his new slaves, The Werewolf. Dracula has the intent of destroying the last of the Valerious family Anna, played wonderfully by beautiful Kate Beckinsale. While taking out on his journey Van Helsing decides to take along a young Friar, named Carl played by David Wenham who is a part of the group within the church making James Bond style weapons. One of the fun characteristics of this character is that while he is a holy man, he recognizes that he is still a man. It is within his own humanity that he is able to use his gifts for good and ultimately search his own heart as to what constitutes good or evil.

This movie is virtually impossible to review without giving spoilers, but I will try to make several comments. All through the script, while at times shallow, and not detailed enough, Sommers uses spiritual symbolism. All throughout the film is included the usage of crosses, holy water, prayer, the power of light over darkness and more. Then again, those are concepts that have been a part of the Dracula character for years. As of recent, the character has changed some in that while the cross and the things of God are still important the message has been given, starting first with Silver Bullet by Stephen King, that the cross is only powerful in the hands of one who believes in the power of the cross. That concept is also alluded to in this movie. There are also important nuances that are brought out in this movie. There is the importance of the Holy Bible in the hands of one of the Hero's of the movie. I especially liked the concept that a character not normally associated as being a hero is. Remember the earlier comments about the symbolism of characters. At one point, we see that in the life of this hero that one of the most important things in their life is the Holy Bible. This character often quotes scripture and uses it as a source of inspiration when times get tough. I won't tell you who the character is but it will be obvious when you see the movie.

I could tell much more about the film, from a technical perspective the special effects are pretty good. I would classify them as somewhere between the effects in Spiderman and The Hulk. . If you have seen some of Sommers previous work you know that he has a knack for action, although at times can be short on plot. He actually does a good job here and of the afore mentioned films of his I would state that this is his best, that is right even better than the Mummy. The two hours and twenty minutes go by pretty quickly. Just when the movie seems to start to drag there are action sequences that get you back into the story. Usually in this genera I find myself getting bored by the conclusion of the movie. In Van Helsing I actually found the last hour or so of the movie to be among the best parts of the movie. Story lines came together, and there was still an emphasis on action. I will say this, before seeing the movie make sure you use the bathroom. I know some will find this comment a little tacky but I'll tell you that there are numerous scenes that will literally scare the pee out of you if you are not careful. Remember the Roller Coaster ride comment earlier.

All in all I really enjoyed this movie. It was a fun ride and one that I will take again. While being far from perfect it was what makes going to the movies fun sometimes. You will have the opportunity to escape reality for a few hours and have a lot of thrills, laughs and reflective moments in the process. In the tradition of The Mummy and last years hit Pirates of the Caribbean this is a flick that many will enjoy. It is one that has given me a new respect for Sommers, he includes a lot of old memories in a new tale without doing an injustice to the formula made so successful so many years ago.

On a scale of 1-10; while not quite the best monster movie of all time, a fitting tribute to an old classic style. A thrilling and enjoyable 8.

Van Helsing Trailer

Van Helsing Fan Video

-Review -Trailers, Photos
-About this Film
-Spiritual Connections

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Additional Film Clips from the Movie Studio:

Teaser:Windows Media Player, Hi-ResWindows Media Player, Med-ResWindows Media Player, Lo-Res Trailer:QuickTime, Full ScreenQuickTime, Hi-ResQuickTime, Med-ResQuickTime, Lo-ResTV Spot:Windows Media PlayerFeaturette 1 - 'A Look Inside':QuickTime, Hi-ResQuickTime, Med-ResQuickTime, Lo-ResWindows Media Player, Hi-ResWindows Media Player, Med-ResWindows Media Player, Lo-Res
Featurette 2 - 'Paying Tribute to the Past':QuickTime, Hi-ResQuickTime, Med-ResQuickTime, Lo-ResWindows Media Player, Hi-ResWindows Media Player, Med-ResWindows Media Player, Lo-Res 9 Clips:Windows Media Player/Real Player, Various

Monday, October 23, 2006

October Review Review Constantine

October Review Review

There are a lot of movies during this time of year that Christians love to hate. The sad truth is that many of those movies are movies that have tremendous spiritual commentary. The movie Constantine was one such movie. The movie is one of the reasons I love the season so much. Week after week, after week, we see the release of horror, and/or supernatural movies. All of these movies have some commentary on good and evil, God and the Devil, or faith and lack of faith.

Constantine is a movie staring Keanu Reeves that falls into this category. Reeves name in the movie, John Constantine, even gives him the same initials of another JC would come to earth in an effort to provide salvation for humanity by fighting against the forces of evil. That one JC maintained a relationship with the angel Gabriel just like John Constantine.

Halloween can be a lot of things, it can have a lot of different meanings to a lot of different people, one thing that can't be ignored for long though is the spiritual nature of the day. The concept of good verses evil and God going at it with Satan also provides prevalent reminders during the season. There is also the concept of forces all around us that we can't see, having influences on our lives. Constantine is a beautiful portrayal of those conflicts it is a movie I am glad to recommend and provide a review review of. Enjoy the original review following a couple of video clips.

-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film
pdf -Spiritual Connections

John Constantine, (JC,) is a character that is almost made to a perfect fit for Keanu Reeves. I can't recall him ever playing a character with more depth than JC. The complexity of the character is as complex as the themes addressed in the movie and without much thought; one could get lost and have issues with the movie Constantine. As for me, that was a whole other story.

I have made mention before and will make mention again, I review movies for a specific reason, I love to search for spiritual themes that can open doors to sharing my faith with others I come into contact with. Despite the massive amount of criticism I have received from "Christians." I find horror, especially with supernatural themes of good vs. evil to be amongst the best forms to open those doors. Last years Van Helsing was a wonderful movie that uses images of crosses, heaven and hell, demons and God, and faith and salvation among others as well as any movie I had seen. On parallel with keeping those and other religious themes as a backdrop, Constantine does as well and in some ways even better than Van Helsing. If crosses for example were litter, then Constantine would be the city dump for Los Angeles. Not that they are of course, but there is hardly a frame of this film that in some way does not feature or focus on the cross.

It is the faith of Christianity that is the central and primary backdrop of the spiritual struggle that JC faces. It is in reality the struggle in the life and hope of the planet. As one who has experienced Hell for two minutes in a near death episode that for JC was as an eternity, he understands the intent and struggle that exists between God and Satan. He also realizes and believes that he has no hope for Heaven but is hard pressed and set to see to it that he helps as many as possible escape the trappings of Hell and its demons. Working as a lay exorcist he is portrayed early on as being more effective than a catholic priest at delivering people from demon possession and sending the demons back to hell. Part of his ability to be effective has to do with his own ability to relate and understand the consequences of what those he is helping faces. This incarnation component of JC is something that resembles the ability to relate by another JC, Jesus Christ.

Mixing in devices similar to James Bond and Van Helsing, Constantine has the usual sidekicks that help keep the story somewhat fun and enlightening. We see the struggles of those characters in their own spiritual development and from taxi cab drivers who drive for the Angel Cab Company, to the angel Gabriel, we get a taste of the constant surroundings regarding spiritual things that Constantine is involved in. Not since The Punisher has there been better secondary parts and supporting roles in a movie than what exists here in Constantine. In each of those characters, we can find our own journey and ourselves. We can see the results of the actions we may take, the faith we may have, or in the case of some, may not have. We can also see the eternal consequences for that faith or lack thereof.

Is Constantine a perfect movie? Far from it, but for those seeking to find ways to discuss spiritual issues, especially related to Christianity, there hasn't been a better movie since Van Helsing to open up those doors. While the person of Jesus Christ is seldom mentioned, from the Cross, to the spear that was thrust into Jesus side, we hear about, and know about God's Son. The journey of discovering what the purpose is for each of us is a journey that we go on but can visualize that because the character of JC goes through that same journey. The things along the way that cause him to take the paths he takes are the very things we face in our own lives. We eventually find out the expectations that are involved and we see that in part played out by the characters on screen. Not in total of course, this is after all a Hollywood movie, but enough so that we can open up many doors of discussion and fill in the pieces to the puzzel.

Don't go expecting to see one thrill ride after another in Constantine, you won't get it. It is more of a thinking persons horror and supernatural film than Van Helsing to be sure, but it does make you think. Stay until the end of the credits, you will see a hepiloguej at the conclusion of the credits that is worth watching. It gives us some further insight into the character of Constantine as well as the eternity faced by one of the primary characters in the film. Enjoy the ride, think about the themes, and make your decision.

On a scale of 1 - 10, just a little better than the so-called perfect number, a satisfying 8.

-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film
pdf - Spiritual ConnectionsDownload Constantine Discussion Guideand Bible Study

Movie Trailer

A Fan video

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Grudge 2

Some will remember my review of this little horror film from Japan 2 years ago. I stated it was one of the scariest movies I had ever seen, in fact, I thought it was the epitome of the way to go with horror. I was pleased with the psychological horror that took place and the reality that the movie was able to scare the heck out of me by using very little blood, no nudity, and no cursing. In fact, with the exception of the terror in the film, there was virtually nothing the opponents of horror could pick on other than the fear the movie possessed.

I can't think of any movie in a long time that I was looking forward to seeing more than The Grudge 2. The movie had many of the former contributors back. Written by Stephen Susco, Directed by Takashi Shimizu, along with actress Sarah Michelle Gellar all return along with some newcomers that had me having hope for this sequel. The story picks up at the conclusion of The Grudge, and we assume from the opening scenes we are going to be drawn right into the movie with the same eye opening, heart pounding scenes that opened the original. After all we had been promised this by the movie company. As far as I could tell from the press materials, this movies openings were going to make the opening of The Grudge look like child's play. How wrong could they have been and unfortunately this sets the tone of the rest of the movie.

What follows next is a hodge podge of story telling that leaves a lot to be desired. For many who don't know about it by now, or understand the horror concepts of Japan, it is much different than what we know in the Western World. There is a great deal of symbolism and death is not something to be afraid of, it is something to be experienced. It is not unusual to see the hero die, or give up their life. There is a clear understanding of life after death, and a clear understanding that life after death is often affiliated with evil. Even the way the story is told is uniquely different. We see instead of long narrative stories more short stories and often we start with the end, and regress to the start as opposed to starting at the beginning and finishing with the end. I know this may be difficult to make sense of but it is a process and technique that is often hard for those of us in the West to follow and a technique that causes us often ignore this medium. That is sad, because just like in the first Grudge and others like Ju-On we miss out on some great stories.

This process requires a great deal directorial effort to work, it is why we have some great story tellers coming out of the East, they have honed their craft. It is in part what made the first movie so good, it was unique and delicately approached. The detail to making it appropriate for Western audiences, while maintaining the integrity of the original story led to great cinema, unfortunately, in the translation to making it appropriate for American audiences, this film has lost its luster.

There is really nothing original here. In fact I purchased the original Ju-On two days after seeing The Grudge in theaters. I also purchased the original Japanese version of The Grudge the following week. The story was the exact same story, with dubs, and some minor modifications. The Grudge 2 borrows heavily on various stories coming out of Japanese culture. Unfortunately The Grudge 2 don't follow the same story line as Ju-On 2. The Grudge 2, is a compilation of various short stories, attempted to be thrown in together as a single story. While many of those short stories are compelling and enthralling, at least I as a viewer became quickly bored, and frustrated with the way it was being told. In fact, in this supposedly scary movie of the season, I almost fell asleep. The scares are easily anticipated, and the makers play off of too many scenes and concepts that worked in the first movie. For me, I was insulted as a viewer. I had seen the first movie, didn't need the same scares, and have watched a great deal of Japanese horror, and didn't need the short stories I had seen in the past presented as new.

Sure there are a few new concepts in the movie, a few that maybe those of us in the West haven't observed, but any fan of Japanese movies has seen much of what we see here. While the first movie was creepy, scary, and causing me to want to put a blanket over my head to hide from the boogie man, this movie had me wanting to put a blanket over my head as well; over my head because the theater was cold, and I was sleepy. I almost think the movie theater knew the movie was going to be so bad they turned down the thermostat. If it had been warm all of us in attendance would have fallen asleep. When the supposed scariest scenes in a movie produces the biggest laughs, we know something is wrong, and in The Grudge 2, there was indeed something wrong, I had wasted good money on a horrible movie.

With the movie being as bad as it was, there was something of value in the story. The power of Rage and Revenge are appropriately addressed. We have a brief, albeit way to brief look, at the concept of exorcism of demons, and the intrigue of where evil comes from. I appreciated that the movie recognizes that much of that which is evil comes from within, as opposed to having to be blamed on an evil entity. There is the assumption that from within our own hearts and lives, we feed that which is ultimately evil. This was a unique and nice approach to see, although we only see this for the remaining moments of the movie. We see evil that rage and revenge has the power to destroy families, friendships, hopes, and even the innocence of children. Starting with this premise, and making a few changes with originality we could have had a movie superior to the original, unfortunately it just isn't there.

Often times we have the right ingredients to do what is right, even do what could be beautiful, but because we don't process, don't think about what we are doing, we lose focus. I believe that is what happened here. The makers lost focus. Instead of focusing on what they had, they focused on what they thought they could have more money. As a result, they will inevitably have less, just like we will if we don't learn to focus on the things of our own lives that produce beauty and have the potential to do good.

On a scale of 1 - 10, for the actual original moments I thought existed in the movie, I'll give a very disappointing 3

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Friday, October 13, 2006

October Feature, My Interview with Rob Zombie

It is no mystery that I have wanted to interview Rob Zombie for over 2 years. I can't tell you what an honor and surprise it was when he recently contacted me with his willingness and desire to do the interview. I was surprised, and pleased at his willingness to talk about whatever I wanted, with no limitations. In fact it was out of respect for him that I actually put limitations on the interview. There are some communications that went back and forth that won't be available here, I think the reason for that was the immense amount of respect I had for Rob Zombie before the interview, and the even more respect I have for him now after the interview. In some ways I found myself like the characters in the Creston Mapes Novels Dark Star and Full Tilt.

There were several things that impressed me during the time we were going back and forth with some of the questions. I was surprised to some extent at the polite nature of Zombie. While he alludes that he is a little calmer off stage than he is on stage as a performer in the interview, I find myself thinking he is more than a little different. Of course how could I know that with the brief time of having our exchange?

There are several things I am also more aware of after this process, Rob despite what many believe is person who takes his craft and talents seriously. One of the only times he seemed to become emotional about during the process was when asked about others perception of him. The truth is, this man has excelled at virtually everything he has become involved in, most recently movie making. He has had to overcome obstacles, and fight for the things he wants. He realizes the value of perseverance and sticking it out, another component that becomes abundantly clear during the interview process. In fact Zombie as a business man, and an individual developing their talent, understands the full value of hard work, research, and at the same time giving respect back to those before him who helped pave the road to success.

Some will look at this interview, especially those with strong religious convictions and have differing opinions of the spiritual significance. It becomes even more difficult when considering the obvious intent of Rob to not discuss spiritual issues. That said, I believe there is a great deal of spiritual significance to the interview with Rob. The value of respect of other people, respect enough to not get into a shouting or arguing match. One has to wonder what it has been in life that has caused this obvious effort to not address some issues, not just with Rob Zombie, but a whole host of others. "Don't argue religion or politics" is a polular saying among many families. Some, including myself, seem to think spiritual issues are prevalent in his music and film, yet a here is someone who wants the listener and viewer come to their own conclusions. From some, I imagine there is a big pat on the back of Rob for that effort. I think Rob values the ability of the hearer, or the viewer having the ability to reflect on and interpret the things they see or hear without being too preachy. It is like to the old saying from St. Francis of Assissi. "Preach the Gospel and if nessecary use words." While there may be obvious views that Rob has, he values the fans, and respects them enough to let them come to their own conclussions. Now I know this is going to offend many but it sounds in some ways like the way Jesus told stories. Tell the story, let the listener interpret it for themselves.

There are also lessons, albeit spiritual or natural that seem to come out with Rob. He understands the value of never quitting, sticking it out, going for the things in life one values. His life has been an example of that. How many of us could learn from that lesson? We have to at some point evaluate why it is some excel and others don't. The concept of believing in something so strongly that you refuse to give up on it has tremendous spiritual significance.

This whole thing started several years ago, actually when I first reviewed The House of 1,000 Corpses. A movie at the time which I didn't like that much, but have grown to appreciate it more over the years. It was then that I first made known my desire to interview Rob Zombie, I still hope to meet him someday, as the interview was not conducted in a face to face manner. My appreciation for Rob went back actually beyond House of 1,000 Corpses to the days of his band White Zombie. The love and appreciation for his art continued to grow until the release of The Devil's Rejects. It was after doing a blog where I reissued the review of The Devil's Rejects, and had done a blog on appreciating and respecting Rob Zombie titled, Am I Going To Hell Because I Love Rob Zombie and Sky Lopez, that Rob Zombie contacted me about doing the interview.

What are my opinions about Rob Zombie now? Truth is I am as mystified as ever, but then again, genius has a way of doing that to an individual. Not mine, but Rob's. I am impressed with the fact that he continues to mature and improve with his art, whether via music, Educated Horses is his latest release and it is brilliant, to film, his dedication and work on the upcoming Halloween is now becoming legendary. I have to say, I continue to be impressed and look forward to each venture he brings about.

I know some Christians will hate me for my views on this man and his work. That's okay, I won't hear anything I haven't heard before. Truth is though; I think my God sees beauty and value in Rob Zombie, as well as his fans. It is an audience often criticized, and seldom understood. Rob's audience is one who knows of the horror of life, the atrocities of society, and the hypocrisy within the religious establishments. Unfortunately those having an impact on life, the ability to change society, and the heart to change lives through religion, haven't addressed the issues in such a way as to reach these individuals who so much long for change.

You see, I didn't find Rob, even though he didn't talk about it, despising of Christians, he did after all contact me, but I find him thorough his music and film, confused, hurt, and conflicted with the way some within the extremes, whether political, or religious, use their faith and beliefs to oppress and judge others. In fact, that message in some ways is consistent with many Christians who chose to carry out the mission of Jesus, something entirely different than what we see through extreme religious and political groups who chose to judge as opposed to love. Yea, I believe Rob, and his followers, recognize what is happening in society, they comment on it, and make film about it, and many flock to it to listen and watch because they agree with the message. It is a message that unfortunately many of us within Christendom agree with, but it is also a message that our commonality is often not observed by either side because of the harm that has been done in the past. In some ways it is a war, a war that will have winners and losers. It is one where eternal decisions will be made on both ends of the spectrum, some right, some wrong.

Enough of my ramblings, bottom line, I still hope to someday meet Rob Zombie, face to face, person to person. Why, because I value him. I believe God values him and loves him. I can imagine Jesus, sitting down with Rob talking about movies, having a drink, doing all kinds of things that would upset some within the religious community. I would like that opportunity as well with Rob. I know Rob appreciates those making an impact on the things he loves, and in return many of us have that same appreciation for Rob for the way he has impacted our lives in a positive way, whether people chose to accept that or not.

Now, what a pleasure it is to share with you, a wonderful moment in my life, my 1st interaction with Rob Zombie. I will forewarn some, I promised Rob I would run the comments without edit, while the language don't offend me, some language may offend the readers of this blog. I do believe it important though, that the interview be published as the conversation really happened.

Mike Furches (MF): Hey Rob, first off the bat, what an honor to get to do this with you. Hope you know that and I sincerely appreciate the time. I want you to feel as free as humanly or Zombie possible in answering the questions any way you want. If something offends you say so, and we'll go from there. Truth is I admire you for being the artist you are. I've been listening to you and following you for years so this is definitely a treat. I think you know what I think of you from my recent article Am I Going To Hell Because I Love Rob Zombie and Sky Lopez, but also because of my review of The Devil's Rejects which I just re released for October.

One thing I would like to ask, and part of that is to be honest with you. I first reviewed your film House of 1000 Corpses and frankly at the time didn't like it that much. It was with some reserve I went to see The Devil's Rejects. What I found was a far more mature film, and a deeper richer story. What happened between the making of those two movies? By the Way, I have since gone back and seen House of 1000 Corpses several times and like it much better and understand it much better, but again, The differences on development for Rob Zombie during that time, what changed?

Rob Zombie (RZ): Well, it's as simple as 1000 Corpses was my first film and nothing can prepare you for that experience. Corpses was a film made on passion not knowledge. It was complete trial by fire, but at the same time was an amazing experience. Basically I took what I learned on that film and applied it to Rejects. As I will take the experience on Rejects and apply it to Halloween.

MF: Is there a different approach to making a movie like Halloween because it is a horror classic, as opposed to Rejects or Corpses? How much has Carpenter been involved in the process and how did your role in the film come about? Also, could you tell us some about El Superbeasto and what to expect there?

RZ: Yes and no. I mean you can only do it as you see fit, but at the same time you are working against peoples preconceived ideas of what something should be. Basically you gotta do what you think is right. John isn't involved at all. He has his own projects to worry about. One day I got a call to have a meeting with Bob Wiemstein and he tossed the Halloween idea my way. The rest is history.

El Superbeasto is a filthy, monster sex comedy. People should expect to laugh their asses off.

MF: I have always considered you very creative, freakishly in a good way I should say even from the days of White Zombie and obviously back to your early work with Paul Reubens. You have always had that since of creativity apparent in your work. I certainly believe you have created characters in House of 1000 Corpses (HOTC) and The Devil's Rejects (TDR) that will become icons in the horror genera. Can you share some about the creative process of how those characters came to be?

RZ: Who knows where anything comes from? I basically create things I would like to see. Whether it be a sexy blonde killer, a psycho foul-mouthed clown or a Charles Manson wannabe murder and bring them to life.

MF: It is obvious you have a love for Horror and dark subjects, who have been your influences in both your film and your music? I have to give an add on for one of my favorites if you could also comment on, the king of Zombies George Romero of Night of the Living Dead Fame?

RZ: I love Romero. DAWN OF THE DEAD is one of my favorite films. Not because of the gore and zombies but because of his detail to his characters trapped in these situations. Obviously, I cast Ken Foree for this reason.

MF: Are there any others out there that are favorites?

RZ: Tons. As far as film directors go I love Martin Scorsese, John Ford, Arthur Penn, Jack Hill and so on.

MF: I don't know if I have seen this or not, only brief glimpses, but what was it like growing up as Robert Cummings and then ultimately becoming Rob Zombie? If you can touch on the similarities and the differences and how you got there?

RZ: I always knew even as a kid that I wanted to be part of everything I was a fan of. I couldn't be satisfied by just standing on the sidelines watching. I wanted to become friends with all the people I loved and admired. How I got from there to here is a long slow process of never giving up on anything ever. If you really want it, you can get it. Problem is most people quit too easy.

MF: Was there a single event or series of events that helped get you over the hump?

RZ: No single event. The excitement of creating new things is what drives me.

MF: One of the things I love about your work, which I think can be evidenced by all facets, especially your directors commentary on HOTC, is your since of humor. Most people see you in a serious role all of the time, almost in a dark capacity. What do you think are some of the differences between peoples perceptions of you and the real you?

RZ: I really don't know. Since I don't know what people's perceptions of me are. One thing is for sure I certainly didn't achieve anything by being wasted and fucked up as some would like to think.

MF: I guess another way to look at this, how different is the Rob Zombie we see on stage in a concert from the Rob Zombie sitting at home working on movies?

RZ: Same exact guy, just a little more calm.

MF: One of the things I am impressed with is that not only do you have a sense of humor that a lot of people may not realize is there, but you are someone who thinks about your material. For example, your songs, movies, and comments in the past seem to indicate that you have a lot to say in life. What is it that Rob Zombie wants to let his fans, and those in the world know?

RZ: I really don't ever try and impose a message onto the fans. I think the beauty of art is that you can discover your own message. But if I had to say something it would be, "Do what you want with your life and don't listen to anyone. The people around you always try and stop you because they are afraid that you will succeed.

MF: Has Rob Zombee succeeded up to this point in his life?

RZ: All I ever wanted was to be able to not have a crap job. So the answer is yes.

MF: You have always been observed by many as being a person on the dark side, even at times associated with dark spiritual concepts, even according to some Christians, the Occult. You certainly address a lot of spiritual things in your movies, and certainly in your music. I know you read the review I did and I stated in it that I don't think anyone would see a more spiritual movie than TDR. I think that still holds true, I would even consider your recent CD Educated Horses as a very Spiritual effort, by the way a great CD. I know a personal question, but share some about the spirituality of Rob Zombie and where it comes from?

RZ: I believe in the power of one's own free will to achieve anything.

MF: In TDR, and even some of your songs there seems to be a conflict with what I would call "Traditional" or "Structured" Christianity. Truth is I think we both in many regards have some of the same feelings but with different conclusions. I actually loved the struggle in TDR with Sheriff Wydell and the execution of vengeance in relation to his faith. How much is Sheriff Wydell in TDR like what seems to be popular Christianity or Christian actions today?

RZ: Let's face it. The world is in bright living color. But some people want to live as if it is black and white, right or wrong. I thought rather than make Wydell a classic hero I would make him a man pushed to the limits of his own beliefs. At the same time I wanted to show our villains as human, even funny and charming at times. Life gets complicated and sometimes it is almost impossible to know who to side with.

MF: I actually think you carried out this effort brilliantly in Rejects. Did you get any negative response on this character conflict you created either before or after release of the movie?

RZ: Not really, some people complained that there was no one to root for. Whatever, that's sort of the whole point.

MF: This is a biggie, and again, hope you know I ask the question out of respect because I value your thought. Even if we disagree on the point, I think I can learn from you. I also know because I have been in contact with many of your fans who can't believe I love your stuff think and wonder the same thing. Here is my question though. What is Rob Zombies thoughts on the person of Jesus Christ, and specific to the person of Jesus Christ in comparison to Christianity? On this question, you obviously paint incredible pictures on the dark side of evil. As a follow up to this question, how do you see the evil you present in comparison or contrast to the person of Jesus?

RZ: Ya know if there is one thing I've learn over the years is that it is best to not discuss Religion or Politics. It always ends in broken noses.

MF: (laughing) I tend to agree, why do you think that is that it almost always ends up in the broken noses?

RZ: I think because it upsets people to question their faith in things be it Jesus or George Bush. It's easier to just get angry.

MF: I know the future looks bright right now. There is a new animated film coming out, you are working on Halloween for 2007, and the more music and a DVD release of your last tour. Tell us what we can be looking for and what to expect?

RZ: There are a million projects but right now I am 100% concentrating on Halloween. I want this film to blow your mind.

MF: I know you are a fan of Carpenter and he has blessed the effort. Can you tell us how that makes you feel; knowing that one of the masters supports what you are doing?

RZ: It's awesome. I first met john on the set of Escape from LA. He was very cool and took the time to hang out with me and show me around the set and stuff. To be working on Halloween is almost a surreal experience.

MF: Rob, thank you again so much for the chance to ask these questions. I really do want to value you and do you justice. In all seriousness, blessings to you and thanks.

RZ: Thanks to you.


Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Scary October Review, New Release The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Beginning

Let me get all things cleared up from the very get go of this review. I hated this movie, it was vile, disgusting, and was a movie that I came so close to getting up and walking out of it was unreal. I don't know when the last time was I contemplated walking out of a movie, but today, you can bet your last two dollars I came extremely close. There was virtually nothing about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Beginning I liked in regards to entertainment. There were however things I liked from a spiritual and technical perspective.

For those who have been living in Never Never Land for the last 30 plus years The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the supposed true story of Thomas Hewitt and his family who slaughtered people by use of a chainsaw and other items and then cannibalized them. I say supposed true story because the truth is in reality there never was a Thomas Hewitt or a serial killer known for these types of murders in Texas. Instead, the makers and creators of the movie loosely base their story off of real serial killer Ed Gein. Numerous movies have based their characters off of this individual, movies such as, Psycho, Deranged, and Silence of the Lambs. That is one of the things that bother me about the movie. Not only is it an experience in terror, it is an experience reported to be based on truth, when in reality it has very little in common with the truth. It is as if the terror and vile we see aren't enough, we as an audience have to be terrified with the possibility the story happened. It is as if the story of Ed Gein wouldn't be scary enough. The fact that the company is still making profits off of the reported true story looses credibility with me as a reviewer, and fan of horror.

I must admit, while I love horror, I don't like gore. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Beginning is unique because it actually mixes in quality movie making, along with enough gore to keep those fans happy. Did you hear that? The movie mixes in some quality movie making. I did respect from an artistic perspective the desire to have some decent character development, a great job of direction and editing, and some decent acting.

In the above capacities I couldn't compliment the film more. I don't expect Academy Award performances in a film like this, but neither do I expect the quality of acting I observed. R. Lee Ermey, an Emporia Kansas native, proves without a doubt he can act. This former drill sergeant plays the part of Sheriff Hoyt, in reality a member of the Hyatt family, who is responsible for the instigation of the horror that occurs with realistic disgust. His performance alone is almost good enough to justify seeing this movie. While many will see Leatherface as the villain we have all come to fear, it is Sheriff Hoyt who is the ultimate villain. In an opening scene the real Sheriff makes it clear this man is responsible for the horrors that have come to the community. Unfortunately for him, he shares this information with someone who don't want to hear it.

I must also comment on the direction by Jonathan Liebesman. I was surprised and pleased in the quality of work he gives us. It is something that will give this movie merit, and will likely set the movie in a class reserved for classics within these genera. I am convinced that just because a fan may like the horror genera, it does not mean they like their movies to be lacking in quality.

I watched this movie and came to realize, even though it is a fictional story, period, the events as described in the movie are loosely based off of a real individual. The reality is we live in a world where evil exists. Often, just as in The Devil's Rejects and other horror movies, that horror comes at the hands of a supposedly religious character. Even here, the Hewitt family does not sit down to say a meal without saying grace, or a blessing, thanking God for the bounty of which they are about to receive. Nowhere in their minds do they comprehend the evil regarding the taking of life as they are cannibalizing individuals they have killed. While we may look at that in disgust, I have to wonder, what types of sins and horrors in our own lives do we hide, pretend aren't there, and even for many religious individuals, overlook while we go on engaging ourselves in the evil that may destroy another persons reputation, or even harm someone through the political systems we support and advocate for? I don't know if this is part of the direction or thought during the writing process or not, but as I watched the evil and horror of this family, while at the same time supporting their own religion, I can't help but think; "What about me?" From that perspective, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Beginning accomplishes another important role of horror. It helps individuals reflect on their own lives, specific to what is good and what is evil, and then reflect on the differences between our societies by observing the lives of the characters we see on the screen.

The original Texas Chainsaw movie is considered a classic. It has been given reverence and respect world wide in various formats. From the White Zombie song; "Who will survive and what will be left of them," to being a part of a scene in the classic movie, Taxi Driver. I can't help but think that Tobe Hooper, the originator of the franchise is pleased with this production. I also can't help but think fans will also be pleased. As for this one critic though, while I respect art, I also know there are certain styles of art I just don’t care to purchase. The art as displayed in this movie is one of those types. I doubt I'll ever watch the movie again. Today, well, today was a job and the movie going experience just wasn't that much fun.

On a scale of 1 - 10, while I didn't like the movie at all, I still respect the artistic nature of what it took to make it. A very confusing 8

Film Trailer:

The Original Tribute A Fan Video

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.

The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you can give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching.You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Scary October Review - The Grudge

Back again for the Review Review of October Scary Movies from the past. Today selection will be to recognize the upcoming release of The Grudge 2. I saw this first movie on the original day of release in a theater with very few people in it. I think that helped add to the intensity of the movie. Truth is, I really liked this one, it was scary and has helped change the face of horror in America. If the advance trailers are any indication as to what the follow up to this is going to be like it looks great. Of course there is that concept of fear we all seek out in one way or another, certainly in some in different ways with differing levels of intensity. As far as I am concerned though, I love the freedom and security I have in my faith. It really does come into play in my life and is often needed to overcome the things that are really scary, things like a church not honoring their obligation, or a denomination that has lost sight of what their original vision was like. Then there are the basic things, things like not knowing where the money to pay the next set of bills is going to come from.

Since seeing this movie I have actually purchased and viewed the Original Japanese version and the subsequent sequels. They are well worth watching and it is amazing at how close the American version is to the originals.

Yea, there are all kinds of things that permeate fear. As far as I know though, there is only one thing that relieves the stress. Want to know what that is? Contact me and I’ll be glad to share about the great over comer of fear that I have experienced in my life. Here are a couple of film clips and then the review review of The Grudge. I must also state, as a part of this blog was a great roundtable discussion on the merits of horror. Check it out and again, enjoy.

Trailer for The Grudge 2

A Fan Trailer for the Original Grudge, better than the trailer used by the theaters

The Grudge (US 2004)
-Round Table Discussion
-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film pdf

Ju-On: The Grudge (Japan 2003)
-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film
-Spiritual Connections

Click to enlargeI sometimes like to think of myself as a big, bad, mean-looking dude. Believe it or not I actually kind of work at it. It is where I am from and it is a part of where I live. I have always enjoyed it when people look at me and ask with a tone of surprise, "You're a pastor?" Like I said, it is how I grew up, it is who I was. While I am pleased most people now refer to me as a "Big ol' Teddy Bear," I am not ashamed of where I came from or who I used to be. I am glad I am a new person, but part of my past will forever linger on.

As big, bad and tough as I was even when I was a kid, I'll never forget my Aunt Ruth, whom I was living with at the time, taking me and my cousin Joann to see the movie The Night of the Living Dead by George Romero. I had already seen it a couple of times and I had never seen anything as scary as that movie. What made the memories even more lingering was that, on the way home, Ruth decided to drive out past the cemetery. I'll never forget her driving that Volkswagen Bug and pulling into the cemetery. 'Get out of the car, Michael and Joann!" she commanded us. Man, that tough, bad kid -me- was screaming and crying with Joann in the cemetery. Meanwhile Ruth started to pull off in that car, while at the same time laughing at us.

Until today, that was the scariest movie, and scariest moment, I think I have ever experienced -again, that was until today.

Click to enlargeI decided to catch a midday matinee in a smaller town from surrounding Wichita. I went to see last weekend's box office champ, The Grudge. Not only was I the only person in that theater, I think I was the only person in the whole Derby Metroplex Cinema. That made the movie even worse. Within the first 5 minutes of The Grudge, if I had had a blanket I think I would have pulled it over my head, stuck my thumb in my mouth, and started to cry for Mommy. I don't think I have ever been this scared watching a movie, and will warn you outright, if you are about to give birth, or you have a heart condition, high blood pressure or anything of the sort, stay as far away from this movie as humanly possible. If, like me, you find some sort of sick entertainment in getting a little frightened, this is a must-see if ever there was one. I believe it may actually be the best haunted-house, scary movie ever made.

Click to enlargeOne of the concepts that makes the Horror genre work for me is the realization that evil exists. I frankly get tired of the Bible Thumpers who email me and contact me about the Horror movies I review. I get tired for the same reason I get tired of people thinking that the Bible is a "PG" book. Hey, some of the scariest stories I have ever heard come out of the Bible. Living with the reality of evil every day is unavoidable for many, and oftentimes hope, desire, and evil cross in no place better than a Horror movie. We have a clear understanding of death, eternity, souls and evil in Horror. The Grudge presents all of those facets, and while there is not much hope given, the eternal consequences hit home.

Click to enlargeStarring in The Grudge is Sarah Michelle Gellar, known for her role in the television series Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. She plays the part of Kare Davis, an American exchange student living in Tokyo, who also works for a home care group. While visiting a house to cover for one of her friends, she comes across the wretched history of the house and its former occupants. This movie filmed in Japan along with a great deal of subtitles and Japanese actors is as original as any Horror piece to come along since The Blair Witch Project. It is like a marvelous jigsaw puzzle in its direction and storytelling. Not until near the end will the pieces come together to reveal what lies behind the Horror. Once that horror is revealed, we are faced also with a realization of our own weaknesses. How far are we willing to go to fulfill the needs of those we love? Why do we make the sacrifices we do for self? How do the actions of those around us affect us? When faced with the horror and reality of evil, are we willing to seek appropriate help and, if so, does faith or God have a part in that search for help?

Click to enlargeAll of these challenges come up at the climax of the movie, but up until that point there are plenty of crawl-under-the-bed scenes that keep you so terrified you are almost afraid to go to the bathroom or a concession stand. One of the brilliant components of The Grudge is the suspense created purely by the use of music. While The Grudge is horribly frightening, there is respect given in the small amount of language, sexual situations, and gore. The rating must come primarily from frightening situations, because little of these other things exist.

There are some weak points in the movie. There are a few loose ends that aren't tied up and questions that I would have liked to have seen answered. On the other hand, those "omissions" seem like common occurrences these days, to leave room for sequels and the like. Since the original version, Ju-on, has had its three sequels, that is likely to have been the intent for this film too.

For a good time, and a lesson in some Japanese culture, this is one not to miss. I am glad I saw it, and I will see it again. I haven't seen the original that the movie is based on, this one is a remake, but I'll even be out looking for that.

On a scale of 1 – 10, while it may not be the best Horror movie ever made, to me, it was the scariest, a very scary upside down six for a score of 9.

The Grudge (US 2004)
-Round Table Discussion
-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film pdf

Ju-On: The Grudge (Japan 2003)
-Trailers, Photos
-About this Film
-Spiritual Connections

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Scary October Halloween Review - The Devil's Rejects

I'm not even about to get into the debate on the good or bad of Halloween. That is for another time and another place. I will get into the thought that I believe no other genera of film or literature addresses spirituality as does horror. For that reason I am doing a special feature for the month of October. I will be posting old reviews of horror films I have done in the past. I'll also be including YouTube clips that helps bring that feature home. On the debate regarding the appropriateness of Horror I would encourage you to visit some of the conversations and dialogs that have taken place at Hollywood Jesus. The links to some of those are featured at the conclusion of this blog. I am not saying the genera is for everyone, just that there can be value in it. I also believe reviews like this can also open up doors of discussion regarding movies like The Devil's Rejects.

I am actually looking forward to this, and knowing I have too many cookies in the oven as I type, I believe this is one I'll be able to stay on top of. So, enjoy the clips, check out the review, and have a great time at the movies.

First Installment is one of my favorites of all time, The Devil's Rejects. I wanted to especially do this one with my recent blog of Am I Going To Hell Because I Love Rob Zombie and Sky Lopez. That blog has had tremendous success and for anyone appreciating art in the pure sense of the word, especially related to film, you will see one of the reasons I have so much respect of Rob Zombie. Now I know there are some who disagree with me and that is okay. My wife disagrees with me on this one, in fact she refuses to watch the movie. I guess that is one of the things that helps drive the genius home, I have had to watch it at home alone, unlike I did when I first saw the movie in the theater.

How good is the movie? I'll tell you this, I purchased the DVD at midnight on the first day of release. It is that good. Oh Yea Rob, the desire for that interview has never ended. I appreciate your work man. Now, let's get on to business. Here are the clips and the review for The Devil's Rejects in this special reissue review.

The Devil's Rejects Trailer

Another Great YouTube Fan Video, A comedy clip I love

The Devil's Rejects
About this Film
Spiritual Connections

In 2003 I gave one of the most controversial reviews I have ever given when I reviewed Rob Zombie’s new release titled, House of 1,000 Corpses. Forget about the fact I didn't especially like the movie, although I did think there was some thought provoking components of it, the fact I would even view the movie by many was something I did that was worthy of confrontation and email that caused many to prejudge me. Well get ready for this; while I didn't especially like House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects is possibly the best movie I have seen all summer.

I have always, and still do appreciate Rob Zombie as an artistic genius, I expected that when going to see The Devil's Rejects, and I was not let down. What Rob Zombie has done is give us one of the best portrayals of evil ever presented on screen. I am reminded of an interview I did with author Ted Dekker regarding the painting of evil, and the need to paint evil with as dark a brush as possible. Zombie paints it with as much darkness as is humanly possible. What we have as a result is a splattering of blood and evil along the way that is so dark I personally found myself having difficulty watching what was portrayed before my very eyes on the screen.

If portraying evil for the sake of being evil was the intent, this movie would be a waste of time, but Zombie in his brilliance does something, as I have never seen done before. He presents a story and concept where we long for justice for those who are the incarnate of evil, and yet, we find ourselves eventually caring for those very individuals. We are also presented not only with the hypocrisy, but also the hope that is available through, Christianity. I must say now, and I hope Rob Zombie sees this review at some point, but if I could interview anyone on the planet, I would like to talk to Zombie about his views on various subjects. Why for example does one who has a "perceived" notion and hatred of Christianity, portray it in such a thought provoking and intelligent way? What are his views on spirituality? In addition, there would be many other questions. To be honest, this man and his genius intrigue me tremendously.

This story carries on after the story line of House of 1,000 Corpses. It is essentially the same characters and a continuation of that story. Where House of 1,000 Corpses lacked and showed little hope, this movie is thought provoking and brings to light several components to reflect upon whether one be a Christian or not. Rob Zombie shows his brilliance as a filmmaker in this film. He reminds me as a cross between Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez. I know that sounds like a crazy mix but his brilliance with edits, shocking story telling, and effect is along these lines. He also does a brilliant job at using such a horrifying story to give such a brilliant artistic presentation. From his various stylizations in this film, to the shocking character development I was enthralled.
The story reminds me of a great Christian author that I always loved, Flannery O'Connor, and specifically the story A Good Man is Hard to Find. What O'Connor accomplishes in that story is to present a side of evil that is truly evil. It has the mixture of what is good and evil and the conflict is developed for the reader. In this case, Zombie does the same for the viewer of the movie. I can’t help but think if Flannery O'Connor were still alive she would stand and applaud Zombie’s effort.

We see evil as truly being evil, but we also see the potential of good among those who are evil, and in a strange sort of way, we find ourselves caring for those that are evil. This is a lesson that many who present themselves as Christian could learn from. While we are often quick to judge the one we call Christ, Jesus Christ illustrated this perfectly, especially in his death on the cross and his own willingness to ask for forgiveness who were killing him.

I won't go into much detail because I don't like spoiler reviews, but I will say the contrast between the Devil's Rejects, and one "called by God" is brilliantly portrayed in this movie. It is while the one "called by God," is executing vengeance that we find ourselves caring for the ones who are in essence evil. This creates a great conflict within the viewer. What is our role, our responsibility to those we perceive as being evil? What is the role of the one called by God? When does one called by God, take the concept of vengeance into their own hands as opposed to leaving it in the hands of God? What is the difference between vengeance and justice? Zombie portrays this conflict amazingly well, especially from one who is perceived by many as being the "anti Christ" incarnate.

Zombie also portrays the conflict beautifully between those called by Christ, and those who are called by Satan. All through the movie, just as in House of 1,000 Corpses, we see Christianity in the background and playing a vital part to the story. Here even more so than in House of 1,000 Corpses. There is an example of Zombie's brilliance here in one incredible scene prior to a crucifixion scene. We see a quick edit to a image of Jesus Christ on a cross being crucified. The image is on the screen for several seconds intending to catch the attention of the audience member, and thus causing us to reflect about what it is that Zombie is trying to portray. That image, and what follows is still stuck in my head some two weeks after seeing the movie. I have had to reflect for that long on the movie and not since Jacob's Ladder and/or Mystic River have I reflected on a movie as much. For those who don’t know, those are two very respectable movies that have garnered the respect of many in the movie going audiences. Zombie's film, in my opinion needs to have that much respect because it is that good.

Now before being condemned to Hell by many who read this review, I must say that not in a long time have I had a movie open up doors for spiritual discussion as has this movie. My son in law attended the movie with me, and before we left the theater, I had two individuals, one being the manager of the theater come and talk to me about the movie. They asked specific questions about spiritual issues, and were intrigued by the fact that I was a pastor. One individual stated they were the child of a pastor and the movie had gotten them to think about spiritual things. They even stated their father had been talking to them about Alice Cooper and the journey he has been on. My son in law was amazed at how individuals had come up and asked me about the movie and at how easy it was to open up a discussion about good and evil, forgiveness, love and, even love and caring for individuals who are evil. Zombie paints a picture that makes that easy to do, and my hope is that individuals can look beyond the gore, nudity, language and more presented in this movie and be able to discuss the serious questions this movie addresses. If they can, they will engage themselves in one of the most significant spiritual discussions they could ever engage themselves in.

On a scale of 1-10, let the hate mail begin, while it may not be for everyone, you cannot deny the brilliance of this movie. I give a very enthusiastic perfect 10. By the way, Rob Zombie, I would still love to do that interview.

About this Film
Spiritual Connections

Kevin Miller has posted an amazing reflection on this film
Part 1
Part 2

Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217

Or you can give on line via Pay Pal at:

To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching.You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.