The Legend of Zorro
—1. Overview (multimedia)
—2. Overview Basic (dial up speed)
—3. Reviews and Blogs
—4. Cast and Crew
—5. Photo Pages
—6. Trailers, Clips, DVDs, Books, Soundtrack
—7. Posters (Catherine Zeta-Jones)
—8. Production Notes (pdf)
—9. Spiritual Connections
—10. Presentation Downloads
Halloween night has always been a special time for my family. Our two children have never been trick or treating. Our daughter, is now 24, married and got to experience her first Halloween as a wife. She and her husband stayed at home passing out candy, and bicycle safety pamphlets. It seems as if there are children in her neighborhood that need to learn bike safety. Our 15-year-old son decided to go eat dinner and watch a movie. We always honor those in our family that have passed on, and then allow the kids to do something special. It is a tradition that has some Catholic roots to it, although we are not Catholic.

The story is essentially the same as the Zorro stories and legends told over the years with a few twists. Don Alejandro de la Vega is married to the beautiful Elena de La Vega, they have a son, Joaquin, played by Adrian Alonso. California is fighting for liberty and freedom along with the right to become a state. Zorro is there to assist in the fight for freedom and justice and he has a confident, a Felipe who is a man of God serving the church, and of course Zorro.
There are several aspects of the movie that I enjoyed, the action, the romance, the mystery and of course the villains. They are plentiful and Nick Chinlund as Jacob McGivens is a evil little treat that I would have personally liked to have seen better developed. This villain with the scar of a cross on his face seems to have a view of God that is destructive and filled with revenge. What brought this character to the type of relationship with God that he has is something I would have liked to have known more about.

There are other religious images through out the movie. We see a person saved by the cross when they are shot. Thinking the person dead, we later see that the cross took their death and provided a means of salvation for them. We see evil characters come to a place of death in fiery and devastating methods that would almost resemble the devil facing punishment in hell.
Another social component the film addresses is the need for family, the consequences of divorce, and the desire of some to go to whatever means necessary to do what they think is right. I won’t give much away here for fear of spoiling the movie for you, but truth is, that all of these things, including the relationship between a father and son are addressed to some extent.
All of this said you would think that I loved the movie. After all, I love to look at spiritual themes; I appreciate the social commentary, the component of interesting characters and so much more. The action and special effects were worthwhile and while at times the movie lagged a little, I still found myself enjoying it. Truth is though, that I left the theater wanting more. Not so much more in length, the movie is plenty long enough, not so much in effects, there is sword play and whip action that is quite remarkable, especially in the opening scenes. However, I found myself wanting more story. There are so many good characters and so many nice subplots, that I just wanted to know more about what was going on with them. Unfortunately, those story lines never developed and I just found myself desiring more information.
Truth is, I think The Legend of Zorro is intended for nothing more than a popcorn flick and a good time. It provided that. I enjoyed myself, but felt that it could have been so much more. The Legend of Zorro brings back the cast of The Mask of Zorro. It has been awhile coming and hopefully, the movies will continue, but unfortunately, this one suffers from what I would consider a sophomore slump. You will still have a good time at the movies, but don’t go expecting too much, if you do you may be let down. You can, just as I did, think about why all of the religious imagery, from symbol of the snake that would destroy the earth that is in the film, to the relationship with God that Don Alejandro de la Vega seems to have. What does it all represent, and what can we take home from it, if anything? I can’t honestly give that answer for you, you’ll have to come to the conclusion yourself, then if you are like my family, you’ll probably talk a little about it when it is all said and done.
On a scale of 1 – 10, for the number of times I recall seeing the Z symbol or any symbol made with a sword taken away from the perfect 10, I’ll give it an okay, but not great 6.
—1. Overview (multimedia)
—2. Overview Basic (dial up speed)
—3. Reviews and Blogs
—4. Cast and Crew
—5. Photo Pages
—6. Trailers, Clips, DVDs, Books, Soundtrack
—7. Posters (Catherine Zeta-Jones)
—8. Production Notes (pdf)
—9. Spiritual Connections
—10. Presentation Downloads
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